
2021年の最終候補 - 投票して当てよう

Leaves 60 count by Kristina Pacesaite



My favorite autumn colors for a cozy carpet. We do not recommend you to wash the carpet yourself. Carpet cleaning should always be carried out by a professional.
Mano megstamiausios rudens spalvos jaukiam kilimui.

件名 Kristina Pacesaite

Kristina Pacesaite is a Lithuanian artist currently living in Spain. She graduated with a BA in Ceramics from the Kaunas Art College and with a BA in Applied Graphics from the Kaunas Art Faculty (Lithuania) She has been creating artwork and commission work ever since.
Esu Kristina Pacesaite, lietuve menininke, siuo metu gyvenanti Ispanijoje. 1999 metais esu baigusi keramikos studijas Kauno kolegijoje ir taikomosios grafikos studijas Kauno dailes fakultete. Nuo to laiko dirbu laisvai samdoma dizainere, dalyvauju ivairiuose projektuose.




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