
2021年の最終候補 - 投票して当てよう

Little Town by Sara Atanasiu



This is my vision of a town at sunrise. If you stay on the opposite side of the carpet, you can see a town at sunset. I designed it like this so there is no up or down, and you can look at it from different points of view.
Asta e viziunea mea a unui oras la rasarit. Daca il privesti din cealalta parte vei vedea un oras la apus. L-am conceput astfel incat sa nu existe sus sau jos si sa il poti privi din mai multe perspective.

件名 Sara Atanasiu

Sara Atanasiu is a student from Bucharest, Romania. She loves to draw and enjoys good competition. She has been taking art classes for some years now and wishes to become an interior designer in future.
Sara Atanasiu este o eleva de doisprezece ani din Bucuresti, Romania. Ii place sa deseneze si adora competitiile. Ea urmeaza de cativa ani cursuri de arta si vrea sa devina designer de interior.



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